Wednesday, September 14, 2005

My brother's trickster

I think that I am my brother's trickster. The more I think about our younger years, the more I remember all the hideous things I used to do to him. Since we are living together now after an eight year hiatus, I have the opportunity to ask him about things and he has kindly reminded me of certain episodes.
I don't know that my ideas were ever consciously malicious. Maybe a couple the time I put duct tape in his hair. I really just wanted to see how much it would stick. I would have used packing tape but I couldn't find any (I really did look for some). He cried.
A lot of it could be classified as idle curiosity...something that still gets me into trouble occasionally. I was always thinking of crazy things to try and do but he was always the conservative one and insisted we ask Mom first. Of course I knew what she would say; I wouldn't suggest it if I didn't. It was always a struggle to get him to agree. I would argue and wheedle and attempt to convince him, but it seemed as if I always resorted to the water/air/logic-tight reason, "Come on, it'll be fun!"
Isn't that what it's all about...having a little fun?
- Hey, Brother, crawl into this oversized toolbox!
- No way! You'll lock it when I get in.
- What lock? .....Oh, that one. I didn't even see that.
- Yeah, right.
- Really, I didn't even know it was there. That's really cool. You're pretty observant.
- Whatever. I'm not getting in.
- Why not? It's not even dirty. You can pretend it's a spaceship.
- I better ask Mom.
- Why would you ask Mom if you can sit in a box? I thought you were big enough to make up your own mind. It's just a stupid box.
- Then why don't you get in it?
- I won't fit. I used to fit, but then I grew up. Only cool little people get to go in this box.
- You promise not to lock it?
- Why would I do that?
- I dunno.
- Alright, alright, I'll do it.
I'm sure you can imagine what follows. Brother gets in box. I convince him it's much cooler with the lid down. I "happen" to flip the handle. Brother freaks out. I don't know where the key is. Have to find Mom. Have to tell Mom. Piercing screams of agony. Cries of desperation. Rocking and banging. Key is found. Brother is released. Attacks me in rage. Brother get a spanking for fighting. I get a time out on my bed with my favorite book.
I was right; that really was fun!


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