Sunday, September 11, 2005

Tricking the Trickster

We have flower boxes outside our windows, but they don't have any flowers in them. There is a pesky magpie that lands in the one in front of the living room window. I don't like magpies. I think they are a parasitic form of winged animals. They are definitely a trickstery bird, always scavenging and poking their beaks where they shouldn't be. It's probably the same one that lands in the tree outside my bedroom window and wakes me up and the most inconvenient times with a raucous CAW. So this bird shows up and pokes around in the soil or simply taunts me because it senses the hate but knows it's a protected species and so far beyond any harm I could cause it. One day it showed up and my brother began crawling across the floor towards the window. I was reading but couldn't help but watch. When he got close enough to the window and suddenly leapt up and shouted at the bird through the window pane. The foul feathered fowl disappeared in an indignant flourish. Brother chuckled to himself in self-congratulation. I immediately thought of the irony of the Gagpie Trickster being tricked and smuggly thought he wouldn't be back.
But I was wrong..........
He came back and trutted back and forth as if nothing had ever happened. I had a nagging suspicion which soon developed into a sinking horror. What if the Tagpie Mickster had tricked my brother into thinking he was a trickster tricking the Trickster?


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